Clinical Studies
Frequently Reviewed Documents
Institutional Clinical Studies: Event/Location
CAUTI/UTI: (Catheter Acquired Urinary Tract Infection): Institutional Studies
CLABSI (Central Line Blood Stream Infection): Institutional Studies
Clostridium Difficile (CDI): Institutional Studies
Children’s Hospitals Studies
Alternate Site Studies
Organism, Skin, Alt Site,
Reference Data
Organism Efficacy Studies
Wound and Skin Integrity Studies
Clinical Data Brochure
Reference Documents
Frequently Reviewed Studies
Efficacy of a Novel Skin Antiseptic Against Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae
Author(s): Timothy L. Wiemken, Robert R. Kelley, Ruth M. Carrico, Laura E. Binford, Brian E. Guinn, William A. Mattingly, and others
Source: American Journal of Infection Control Vol. 43 Issue 4 p380-382 February 5, 2015
DOC ID: 01
Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Skin Cleansing Formulation Versus Chlorhexidine Gluconate
Author(s): Paulson DS, Topp R, Boykin RE, Schultz G, Yang Q.
American Journal of Infection Control, Vol 46, Issue 11, p1262-1265, June 5, 2018
Author(s): Lisa Pinner, RN, MSN, CNS, CPON, BMTCN, Rachel Frisch, BSN, BMTCN, Jenna Kruger, MPH, CPHQ, and Lianna Marks, MD
Source: Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (Stanford Health)
Author(s): George A Turini III M.D, MSc., Joseph F. Renzulli II M.D.
Source: Health – Doctors Medical Center of Modesto, 2020
CLABSI Reduction Seen with Multifactorial Nurse Initiative
Author(s): John Muir Health, CA
Source: ANCC Magnet Association, Fall Session, 2017
Institutional Clinical Studies: Event/Location
CAUTI/UTI (Catheter Acquired Urinary Tract Infection): Institutional Studies
Preventing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections From Urine and Fecal Incontinence: The Impact of Theraworx
Author(s): Jacque Whitley RN, Mariah Minor RN, Kate Loudon RN
Source: Peterson Healthcare, Peoria IL,
Author(s): Kimberly Parnell Burnett, MSN, Deborah Erickson, MSN, Ann Hunt, MSN, Lynn Beaulieu, MSN, Peggy Bobo, ADN, Penny Shute, BSN, MPH, Augusta, GA
Source: Journal of Emerg Nursing, 36(6) November 2010
Can’t Attribute UTI TO Insertion: Utilizing Data to Prevent CAUTI
Author(s): Smith, N.C., Granich, M., Lien, H., Schipper, A. University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Source: UW Medicine University of Washington Medical Center
Equipping Clinicians with Advanced Care Options Leads to Reduction in UTI: Theraworx Works Wonders
Source: Meadowview Health and Rehab Center, AHCA Spring Session, 2017
Author(s): Jessica McClusky, MSN, RN, CPN, CIC Grand Rapids, Michigan
Source: Spectrum Health Helen Devos Children’s Hospital
The Theraworx Silver First Protocol: Impact on CAUTIs
Author(s): Christine M. Tusoch, RN, BSN, CIC (1); Kimberly A. Kovacic, RN (1); Timothy L. Wiemken PhD, MPH, CIC (2); 1. Euclid Hospital, Cleveland OH; 2. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY)
Source: Cleveland Clinic
Targeting Zero: One Hospital’s Journey to Reduce CAUTI
Author(s): Roser L, Piercy EC, Altpeter, T.
Source: Journ. Of Nurs Mgt 18-20 Dec 2014
Effects of Education and Improved Foley Catheter Care on Nurse’s Knowledge and CAUTI
Author(s): Walters G, Lee J, Riddle L
Source: First Health of the Carolinas
Source: Journal of Clinical and Medical Investigation. Vol 2(2): 1-3
CLABSI (Central Line Blood Stream Infection): Institutional Studies
A Patient-Centered Approach to Bathing Adherence in CLABSI in APHON
Author(s): Amanda Lucas MS, FNP, RN, CIC, Michelle DeBono RN, Katherine Eng RN, PNP, Ashley Ramirez MS, RN, CPNP-AC, Yves Valdez RN, MSN, CPHON, & Nancy Noonan MS, RN, PCNS-BC, BMTCN
Source: UCSF Health Improvement Symposium 2023
CLABSI Reduction Seen with Multifactorial Nurse Initiative
Author(s): John Muir Health, CA
Source: ANCC Magnet Association, Fall Session, 2017
Zero CAUTI, Zero CLABSI: Evaluating the Evidence-based Effectiveness of a Silver, pH Acidic, Multimodal Skin Decolonizing Wipe to Reduce Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection and Central Line Blood Stream Infections in the ICU Setting: A Retrospective Review
Author(s): Asif Saiyed, MBA, CIC, Director of Infection Prevention
Source: Tenet Health – Doctors Medical Center of Modesto, 2020
Journal of Critical Care Nursing: Change has arrived: antimicrobial bathing and CLABSI
Author(s): Sung P, Virgallito M, Murphy T, Boghossian R, Young R.
Source: Journal of Critical Care Nursing, April 2020
Source: USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
Source: St Jude Children’s Hospital
Author(s): Margie K, Qudeimat A, Browne E, Keerthi D, Sunkara A, Kang G, et al.
Source: Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 2020
Clostridium Difficile (CDI): Institutional Studies
Reducing the Incidence of Clostridium Difficile Infections, Antibiotics and Costs in a Long-Term Care Setting–A Surveillance Experience
Author(s): Susan M Johnston, BSN, CIC
Source: Levindale Lifebridge Health Center
Children’s Hospitals Studies
Effectiveness of Bath Wipes After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Randomized Trial
Source: St Jude Children’s Hospital
Author(s): Margie K, Qudeimat A, Browne E, Keerthi D, Sunkara A, Kang G, et al.
Source: Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 2020
Alternate Site Studies
Author(s): Jacque Whitley RN, Mariah Minor RN, Kate Loudon RN
Source: Peterson Healthcare, Peoria IL
Equipping Clinicians with Advanced Care Options Leads to Reduction in UTI: Theraworx Works Wonders
Source: Meadowview Health and Rehab Center
Source: AHCA Spring Session, 2017
Successful Healing of IAD When Traditional Barriers Fail Using an Innovative Topical Formulation
Author(s): Diana Gallagher MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN, Janalynn Miller FNP-C, GNP, CWCN-AP
Source: Symposium for Advanced Wound Care Fall 2018
Organisms, Wound & Skin
Organism Efficacy Studies
Microbial Test Results: Microbial Testing Executive Summary
Author(s): Timothy L. Wiemken, Robert R. Kelley, Ruth M. Carrico, Laura E. Binford, Brian E. Guinn, William A. Mattingly, and others
Source: Microbiological Consultants, Apptec Laboratories, St. John’s Research Institute
Efficacy of a Novel Skin Antiseptic Against Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae
Author(s):Timothy L. Wiemken, Robert R. Kelley, Ruth M. Carrico, Laura E. Binford, Brian E. Guinn, William A. Mattingly, and others
Source: American Journ of Infection Control, Vol. 43 Issue 4 p380–382. Published Online February 5, 2015
Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Skin Cleansing Formulation Versus Chlorhexidine Gluconate
Author(s): Paulson DS, Topp R, Boykin RE, Schultz G, Yang Q
Source: R. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing, May 2020
Source: Bioscience Laboratories, Inc.
Source: St. John’s Medical Research Institute
Source: St. John’s Research Center
Source: Journal of Clinical and Medical Investigations, October 2020
DOC ID: 01
Activity of a Novel, Multimodal, Surfactant-based Skin Cleanser on Coronaviruses, In-vitro
Source: Clinical and Medical Investigations ISSN:2398-5763
Source: Nelson Labs
Wound And Skin Integrity Studies
Effect of an Innovative pH Lowering Wound Therapeutic on MMP Levels and Bacterial Biofilm Colonization of Chronic Non-healing Wounds
Author(s): William Marston, Gregory Schultz, Zachary Gortler, Kurt Schultz, Soo Jung Seo, Daniel Gibson, Haley Engelken
Source: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, Fall 2019
Harnessing the Microbiome to Rapidly Resolve Peristomal Skin Complications
Author(s): Gallagher D, Juergens J.
Source: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, Spring 2019
Successful Healing of IAD When Traditional Barriers Fail Using an Innovative Topical Formulation
Author(s): Gallagher D, Miller J.
Source: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, Fall 2018
Clinical Data Brochure
Reference Documents
The Skin Barrier as an Innate Immune Element
Source: Immunopath (2007) 29:3-14
The How, Why, and Clinical Importance of Stratum Corneum Acidification
Source: Experimental Dermatology Journ March 2017
pH Directly Regulates Permeability Barrier Homeostasis and Stratum Corneum Cohesion/Integrity
Source: Journ Invest Dematol, August 2003, issue: 121(12), p: 345-53
Source: Independent Testing by BioScience Laboratories, Phoenix, AZ
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